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Blog - Marie Bowser Acupuncture, Albany CA

News & Articles

My resolution to schedule less

My resolution to schedule less

Happy New Year. I hope that your winter break was nourishing and filled with as much connection and merriment as you craved. I myself had a lively Thanksgiving holiday, which set me up to have a quiet winter break with opportunities to sit in meditation, stillness and...

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Resting isn’t just for people who are unwell

Resting isn’t just for people who are unwell

In a recent podcast interview (it will air in February) someone asked me - how much rest is enough? And I gave them a classic Chinese Medicine answer. It depends. I love how unique, how specific and tailored this medicine is to each person, throughout the year and...

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Let that shit go. Literally and spiritually.

Let that shit go. Literally and spiritually.

One of my favorite metal element concepts is the idea of opening up to receive. From a physiological perspective this is the lungs (the metal element organ) receiving air, oxygen, the basis of qi needed to fuel our bodies. How are your lungs functioning this autumn?...

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Why do I have dry cough (or grief) in the autumn?

Why do I have dry cough (or grief) in the autumn?

In the office I am seeing an uptick in pulses that point to dryness affecting the lungs, dry cough, dry skin as well as new patients coming in to deal with chronic respiratory conditions like asthma, allergies, long covid cough and COPD. (And yes. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine are making a difference.). Every autumn, I also witness grief (the metal element emotion) coming back into focus.

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Does acupuncture help IBS? (Because I need digestive relief NOW!)

Does acupuncture help IBS? (Because I need digestive relief NOW!)

Does Acupuncture Help IBS? The Bay Area is still quite warm and summery, but I feel and see the energetic shift in quality and I don’t mind it. Before we dive into autumn, metal element themes, let’s give late-summer, earth element, a bit more attention. I’m talking about digestion. How does that food move from your mouth, to stomach, to intestines… and how are your poops? If you’re someone who has been dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS, this could be the post you’ve been waiting for. 

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Can acupuncture treat athletic injury?

Can acupuncture treat athletic injury?

That’s right folks. Acupuncture is one of my ingredients and an effective ingredient for so many of my patients. Acupuncture is powerful for relieving pain and resolving athletic injury. 

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50% off New Patient Visits in honor of Mother’s Day

50% off New Patient Visits in honor of Mother’s Day

This week, in the Northern Hemisphere, we begin to experience fire element energy coming online. This isn’t a hard stop, where the enthusiastic, driven, wood element energy ENDS and flirtatious, creative, dramatic fire element begins. This is a process, a transition....

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How many pains in the ass are you dealing with?

How many pains in the ass are you dealing with?

I’m not *just* talking about a pain in your piriformis muscle that radiates down your sciatic nerve, making work and commute and recreation and sleep all feel unenjoyable. I’m talking about that pain in the ass boss or deadline, that has you working late, that keeps...

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Got all this wood element energy but nowhere to go?

Got all this wood element energy but nowhere to go?

I’ve been talking about how the wood element offers motivation, energy, and a kick in the pants to get moving on your life goals and projects. But what if you’re dealing with indecision or uncertainty… or a lack of confidence… or just lack of motivation? Just because...

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The delight and tension of life force moving through you

The delight and tension of life force moving through you

The wood element supports humanity in creating a vision, seeing the steps to achieve it, and putting one foot in front of the next to get there. This life force energy coming online can feel like pure enthusiastic, delight. AND when you gather energy to move past...

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WHY are you the way you are?

WHY are you the way you are?

The Five Element template helps me diagnose physiological imbalances. It provides the basis for acupuncture treatments and herbal prescriptions. AND, it’s the reason that I tell some of you not to eat ice cream if you feel heavy, foggy or bloated. The Five Elements...

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Did your “Dry January” lose steam?

Did your “Dry January” lose steam?

It's that time of year. Dry January. Does it sound like a bummer to you? Did you feel inspired but lost steam last weekend? Here in the backyard of wine country, wine offers many a profession, a way of life and a deeply important hobby. Alcohol can be a vehicle for...

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The most wonderful(ly bizarre) time of the year

The most wonderful(ly bizarre) time of the year

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, we are entering a tunnel of bizarre dissonance. Nature is beckoning you inward toward quiet contemplation, stillness and rest. The weather and the diurnal rhythms support this time of incredible potential (more on the powerful...

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Do you have time to be unwell? Then tend to your grief

Do you have time to be unwell? Then tend to your grief

Have you been tapped into the emotion of grief the past few weeks? Whether it’s re-connecting to a personal loss or feeling the collective sorrow of humanity, it’s all happening right on time. Grief and sorrow are quintessential metal element emotions in the metal element season of autumn.

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Balancing yin and yang

Balancing yin and yang

I talk about the five elements alot but a core concept in Chinese Medicine is the idea of Yin and Yang, depicted symbolically in the tai ji symbol here . On an even more basic level than whether your personality or constitution or the season you're in is best...

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Would you Cast Your Vote For Me As Best of El Cerrito?

Would you Cast Your Vote For Me As Best of El Cerrito?

I’ve mentioned in past newsletters that pride is a metal element concept. Pride in your identity, in your qualifications and in your achievements. Showing off your diploma, your certificates, awards, medals, trophies and owning your accomplishment CAN be a sign of...

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How you chew your food is how you chew your thoughts

How you chew your food is how you chew your thoughts

When you hear about the idea of the “Earth Element” it should evoke the avatar of someone who is grounded, solid and reliable. If you’re an earthy type, YOU are the one who shows up in a crisis, who handles the situation, and in fact, KNOWS the best way to do it. And...

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Digestive Specialty

Digestive Specialty

Lately, I’m seeing a number of patients dealing with digestive complaints. End of summer is a common time of year for these complaints to flare up. Vacations with unusual food for you, maybe more alcohol or sugar, stress of traveling, even drinking water that you’re...

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